Don't Bully
By Lana Grace
I’m sure everyone has experienced bullying, or even being a bully themselves. I have, and I know you probably have too. In the story, “Priscilla and the Wimps”, Monk bullies everyone, but Priscilla shows him bullying is wrong. Monk thinks he can outsmart everyone, but being a bully is his weakness.
In the story, monk thinks he and his “Kobras” can bully everyone. “They say that students can't even go to the restroom without a pass. If the students didn't pay Monk part of their lunch money, they were barred from the cafeteria.”
Usually, when Monk bullied people, he didn't have to worry about who they were. But, one of his “Kobras” made a mistake and came up to the wrong person. He went up to Melvin, Priscilla’s friend, and reaches for Melvin’s wallet.
In the end of the story, Priscilla gathers up enough courage to stand up to Monk. Then, Priscilla saves Melvin from the “kobra”. Later, Priscilla shoves Monk in a locker for a week. After that, nobody ever listened to Monk or his “Kobras” ever again.
Nobody ever had to pay anyone lunch money or pay to use the restroom. Everyone went on going to school happily, without any problems. In the end, Priscilla, Melvin, and all of Monk’s other victims in a bully free school.
A Story About Courage
By Regina L.
Lot’s of people think they are weak and shy. Then, when it comes to helping your friends they will do anything for them. In the story Priscilla and the Wimps, Priscilla thinks she is weak and shy but she becomes strong when it come to protecting her friends. She shows you that you can be strong too. No matter what.
At the beginning Priscilla is shy and doesn’t have many friends. She is basically a loner, except for her one and only friend. His name is Melvin and is basically a loner like her. Priscilla was very tall and stood out a lot. On page 436 the narrator said she was very calm, even though she was very big and tall. She is very quite and never got in anyone's way. Nobody really noticed Priscila and Melvin.
My next reason is when Monk’s accomplice Kobra hurts Melvin, Priscilla becomes strong and helps him. She sees it and says “Who's your leader wimp? Never heard of him. Send him to see me.” She shows the Kobra who’s boss. Them Monk comes up and is very surprised that the person who wants to see him is a girl. She goes up to Monk and says “Who are you?” She becomes strong and shows them just how strong she is.
By the end Priscilla learns she does have courage by standing up to Monk. She definitely shows it when she asked who Monk was in front of most of the school. She either could have got in trouble or made fun of so thats a big risk to take. Now for the best part in the whole story. After Priscilla and Monk talk, Priscilla pins his arm down and shoves him in a locker. Little did he know he would be there for a week. There was a big snowstorm and school got closed for the week. That’s the funniest part in my opinion.
Priscilla showed that she was strong enough to help her friends. Even though she thought she thought she was week and shy. She proved herself wrong. That’s something everyone should try to do. That’s why I like this story so much. She shows you can be strong and have courage no matter what.
Bullies are Weak
By Kole H.
As we all know, bullies are mean and think they are tough. When i was younger I experienced bullying. Being bullied doesn't feel good. It feels like chaos is going on all around me. In the story “Priscilla and the Wimps”, Monk thinks he is the best in the school. Monk is bullying is a bully who bullies everyone in the school. Monk thinks he is the toughest but he becomes weak because of Priscilla.
In “Priscilla and the Wimps”, Monk thinks he is the toughest but he becomes weak because of Priscilla. In this story Monk and his gang are bullies. “There was a time where you couldn’t even go to the restroom without a pass. I am not talking about, the little pink tickets made by some teacher.” Monk made people carry his bags and stuff for him. Priscilla is quiet and strong. She only talked a little bit at the end of the story. Also at the end of the story she stood up to Monk for her friend Malvin. When Priscilla stood up yo Monk, he was weak. After she had stood up to Monk she shoved him in a locker. After Priscilla stood up to Monk the “Kobras” were afraid of Priscilla.
In the end of the “Priscilla and the Wimps”, Monk realized that he is not as tough as he thought. As the text says. Priscilla is a quiet person but if someone gets on her bad side or messes with her friends they better run. Just as in the story, in real life bullies are not as tough as they seem. They are either jealous or something is going on in there life. Bullies are not as tough as they seem.
Day N Fight
By Ryan B.
Everyone has been bullied or have been a bully either way it's not fun Priscilla Progressively gets madder at monk klutter because he bullies everyone. She says “ I want to do something about for doing that and I am going to tell you what he does to lead up to this moment. this guy”. Then Monk puts melvin priscilla's friend head first into a locker.
In the first paragraph Priscilla says “ We are in monks garden of eden. He rules over all”. He doesn't just bully certain people he does it to everyone in the whole school. By the end of the story. He charges people for hall passes.
In the middle of the story monk gets closer to priscilla with the victims. At first monk goes for people priscilla is not close to at all. Monk and his gang of klutter cobras do not know how to stop. It has been making everyone mad.
They were not going to deal with monk anymore! One of the klutter kobras decides to pick on melvin in the end. Priscilla deals with it. The kobra says Don't mess with us Then priscilla says “who is your leader wimp”. Then monk comes they talk for a minute. After that Priscilla put monk into a hammerlock! That was the first person to stand up to Monk. After that school was closed for the next week due to ice.
That is what happened between Priscilla and the Klutter Kobras. She stood up to all them. No one else had the guts to go that. They got out of school for the next week. And that is what happened in Priscilla and the wimps.